سلام جواب این گزارش مورد بدی به نظر نمیاد و نیاز به درمان نداره یا با دارو و بدون جراحی هم برطرف یا کنترل میشه؟
Specimen: US-guided thyroid FNA, right lobe nodules (TIRADS 3, up to 11*10*9 mm). Radiologic diagnosis: R/O binign follicular nodule. Macroscopy: Received 5 alcohol-fixed & 2 air-dried slides. Microscopy: All received slides were examined and show moderately cellular smears composed of monolayer clusters of bland-looking thyroid follicular epithlial cells, moderate amount of thick colloid and some isolated nuclei in a bloody bakground. Interpretation: Thyroid nodules, right lobe, FNA-Cytology: - Benign thyroid nodules, consistent with adenomatous goiter.