
لزوم‌ جراحی گره ها ؟

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ممنون میشم اظهار نظرتان را بفرمایید.
Color Doppler Sonography of Thyroid and Neck:
Both thyroid lobes have shown normal size and homogenous normal echopattern. Right lobe: 38*12*15mm, 3.6cc , Left lobe: 37*10*11mm, 2.3cc.
Thyroid isthmus measured 3 mm with normal appearance.
Overall vascularity: Symmetrically normal.
Focal lesions at right lobe:
 N1: Few well-defined isoechoic nodules with cystic changes and
echogenic colloid dots and peripheral vascularity without calcification are seen largest one 11*10*9 mm at mid pole (TIRADS III, Mildly suspicious)
Focal lesions at left lobe:
 N1: A 7*5*6 mm well-defined isoechoic nodule with spongiform changes
without calcification with peripheral vascularity and soft elasticity at elastoscan is seen at mid pole (TIRADS III, Mildly suspicious).
Neck Survey:
No pathologic lymph node is seen at all neck zones and retrosternal area and all visible lymph nodes show normal hilum and color Doppler appearance. Bilateral submandibular and parotid glands are symmetric and normal.
Impression: T3 nodules
Dr.H.Chegini Dr.H.Ebrahimi Nik Radiologist-Interventionist Radiologist-Interventionist
Under sonography control percutaneous FNA biopsy of right thyroid lobe
nodule (TIRADS 3 , up to 11*10*9 mm) has been done.
Thyroid background: normal thyroid
Radiologic diagnosis: R/O benign follicular nodule
Dr.H.Chegini Dr.H.Ebrahimi Nik Radiologist-Interventionist Radiologist-Interventionist
Age : 39 Y

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منظور از نیمه مشکوک چیست؟

1 پـاسـخ

بازدید : 46 مرتبه
پـرسـش جــدیــد
مراکز جراح کودکان در تهران

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