
جراحی پانکراس و طحال؟

RIF Labeled as "Pancras mass "consists of segment of pancras M:9.5x7x7 cm with lobulated outer surface attached spleen 15x10x4 cm and fibrofatty connecting tissue between spleen and pancras M:10.5x6x2 cm. Cut sections of pancras reveal multi cystic appearance containing clear serosal fluid.wall thickness of the cysts is 0.1 cm with outer and inner smooth surface Cut sections of connecting fibrofatty tissue and spleen show no lesion.

1-Pancras surgical margin:1/1

2-Cystic lesions of pancras: 7/3

3-Other areas of pancras: 5/2

4-Spleen hilum:1/1


6-Fibrofatty connecting tissue: M/2 E:5%

part of pancras and spleen; distal pancreatectomy and spleenectomy:

-Compatible with serous cystadenoma.

-Other areas of pancras are unremarkable.

-Unremarkable spleen tissue is seen.

-Two reactive lymph nodes are noted.ایا من سرطان دارم و نیاز به شیمی درمانی هست؟
بازدید : 20 مرتبه
پـرسـش جــدیــد
مراکز انکولوژي زنان (سرطان) در تهران

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متخصص زنان و زایمان
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